Blitz Valletta is an independent, not-for-profit, contemporary art space that has supported original and radical arts practice in all its forms since 2013, through an international programme of residencies, exhibitions, and public engagement activities. Blitz Valletta is pleased to launch an open call for three digital artistic residences that will take place in 2022 and expand OPEN, an online platform founded in 2020, aimed at further developing Blitz Valletta’s activities in the virtual space and exploring the most recent trends and researches in the digital landscape. The international open call is exclusive to recent graduates—from 2017 onwards—with no age limit and for this first edition, one residency will be awarded to a Maltese artist to support our local artistic community.
The new OPEN Digital Residency Programme will expand Blitz’s engagement in contemporary art, both locally and internationally, by means of cross-fertilization between artists and professionals within the digital landscape—from virtual reality, to gaming and blockchain technology—which have significantly developed in Malta in the past decade. With a specific interest in art circulation beyond physical spaces, our digital programme turns Blitz Valletta into a post studies e-training ground and experimental production space. Each selected artist will participate in a tailored, international mentorship programme and awarded a 2,000 EUR grant to develop a new digital artwork in collaboration with Blitz’s curatorial team. The research and production phase will last one month, followed by an online exhibition lasting two months.
November 1–30, 2021: Blitz is accepting applications
December 1–15, 2021: Selection process
January 2022: Announcement of selected residents
February 2022: 1st residency research and production
March–April 2022: 1st residency exhibition
June 2022: 2nd residency research and production
July–August 2022: 2nd residency exhibition
October 2022: 3rd residency research and production
November–December 2022: 3rd residency exhibition
Applicants will be informed in case of variations in the calendar.
The jury includes Blitz director and artist Alexandra Pace, Blitz curator Sara Dolfi Agostini, artist Oliver Laric and art critic, writer and digital art thinker Valentina Tanni.