2022 / Matthew Attard online public talk – OPEN Digital Residency


An online conversation between curator Sara Dolfi Agostini, digital arts mentor Valentina Tanni and Blitz digital residency artist Matthew Attard held on 25 OCTOBER at 6pm.
Here’s how I did not see what you wanted me to see (2022) is the first interactive artwork by Matthew Attard. Its many layers and trails produce a journey devised by the artist to bring “customer awareness” to users whose traces on social media are sold to governments and international corporations to predict behavior and sell products. Attard specifically targets Tik Tok to explore the way one of the newest and most successful social platforms unpacks and abuses the mechanisms of vision. In the technocratic digital society, Tik Tok holds a special place because it attracts an array of subcultures from all over the world. It is fast growing, and users do not seem to mind that the algorithm openly rules the platform.

View the artwork and read more on www.blitzvalletta.com/open