Bucolic landfills


Amazing series of digitally manipulated images of landscapes by chinese artist Yao Lu:

“The artist photographs mounds of garbage covered in green protective nets which he assembles and reworks by computer to create bucolic images of mountain landscapes shrouded in the mist inspired by traditional Chinese paintings. Lying somewhere between painting and photography, between the past and the present, Yao Lu’s work speaks of the radical mutations affecting nature in China as it is subjected to rampant urbanization and the ecological threats that endanger the environment.”

[via colossal]

Dream players


“Playing video games before bedtime may give people an unusual level of awareness and control in their dreams, LiveScience has learned.[…] Dreams and video games both represent alternate realities, according to Jayne Gackenbach, a psychologist at Grant MacEwan University in Canada. But she pointed out that dreams arise biologically from the human mind, while video games are technologically driven by computers and gaming consoles.
“If you’re spending hours a day in a virtual reality, if nothing else it’s practice,” said Jayne Gackenbach, a psychologist at Grant MacEwan University in Canada. “Gamers are used to controlling their game environments, so that can translate into dreams.”

Video Gamers Can Control Dreams, Study Suggests

Away from the center

“We can argue about whether the loss of a cultural center is a good thing or not, but it really doesn’t matter what one generation believes is good for the next… all of our choices are leading in just one direction, which is away from the center.”

Seth Godin, We Are All Weird

New Lyrics for Old Songs


Mark McEvoy is a british artist and illustrator. “New Lyrics for Old songs”, his most recent series, is an ongoing investigation on the relationship between images and text. New words are juxtaposed with old photographs, famous works of art and book covers, suggesting new interpretations and multiple meanings. Also, the project seems to suggest that any image, with an appropriate caption, can turn into an internet meme.


[posted on ArcoBloggers.com]

Simply by men

You are always looking for an emotion that has already been felt, just as you like to get an old pair of trousers back from the cleaners, which seem new as long as you don’t look too close. Artists are cleaners, don’t be taken in by them. The real modern works of art are not made by artists, but quite simply by men.
Francis Picabia, in Jesus Christ Rastaquouère (1920)