Storie di gente distesa. E di teste nel freezer

I memes non sono soltanto gif animate, personaggi bizzarri ed espressioni vernacolari. A volte, gli elementi replicanti prendono la forma del “comportamento”, dell’azione insensata, inutile e improduttiva. Qualcuno dà il via alle danze e milioni di persone seguono il suo esempio, replicando il comportamento iniziale secondo infinite varianti. L’azione viene reinterpretata, coverizzata, stravolta e ricopiata. Spostata di contesto, mescolata con nuovi elementi, reinventata.
Per chi ha un po’ di confidenza con l’arte contemporanea, non è difficile riconoscere in queste azioni il DNA di molte correnti artistiche fondamentali del secondo Novecento, come la performance art e l’arte concettuale. La performance come atto spontaneo, non teatrale e dis-funzionale. L’arte concettuale per la centralità accordata all’idea e alla sua formalizzazione in un set di “istruzioni”. Istruzioni eseguibili da chiunque.

Qualche esempio di comportamento / performance virale?

Planking, ossia sdràiati a pancia sotto nei luoghi più impensati, fatti una foto, mettila su Facebook. Di origine australiana.

Tag 241543903, ossia metti la testa nel freezer, fatti una foto, caricala su Flickr e aggiungi un tag numerico.

In questo caso, la commistione con l’arte è ancora più evidente. L’iniziatore del “gioco” è infatti David Horvitz, artista concettuale doc, che nell’aprile 2009 postò sul suo Tumblr una serie di “istruzioni” come parte di un progetto più ampio che cita famose opere degli anni Sessanta e Settanta (basta pensare agli instruction pieces di Yoko Ono).

Il prossimo quale sarà? E’ già arrivato, si chiama Owling…

P.S. nel freezer la testa ce l’ho messa anche io :-)

In Statu Nascendi

Kuchenka uj 2 cz2 640x408

Created by Katarzyna Kijek and Przemysław Adamski, ’In statu nascendi’ captures the ’under construction’ process, in this case, of global illumination pass in rendering:

To highlight a peculiar inability to reflect reality by the film, we focus on the ‘struggle’ of generating an image. We capture the process of rendering ‘in statu nascendi’ (‘under construction’). Therefore we try to intercept this moment of the creative process, which is the most ephemeral – a temporary, piecemeal render phases (mostly global illumination pass). In the course of animation every next frame is more accurately rendered but still far from the target appearance. By analogy to chemical processes, the term ‘in statu nascendi’ refers to the intermediate products of chemical reactions, which can not be isolated from the environment of this reaction. They are therefore just ‘under construction’, and then disappear.

More at

(via CreativeApplications.Net)

In statu nascendi02


Nature scores

Hitoshi Nomura Triangulation Blog 1

Hitoshi Nomura Triangulation Blog 2
Hitoshi Nomura Triangulation Blog 5

“In Moon Score (1975-1979), Hitoshi Nomura photographed the moon on film marked with five lines (like staff paper). The project was supposedly inspired by Nomura spotting the moon moving behind telephone wires. In an early exhibition of the piece, visitors began to hum the “score”, and later exhibitions featured a CD with a string quartet or chorus performing the score. Later Nomura made a similar series called ‘birds’ photographing just birds.” You can listen to the music here.


Electronic Instant Camera

Electronic instant camera


Electronic Instant Camera is a project by Niklas Roy. It’s a combination of an analog b/w videocamera and a thermal receipt printer.

“The device is something in between a Polaroid camera and a digital camera. The camera doesn’t store the pictures on film or digital medium, but prints a photo directly on a roll of cheap receipt paper while it is taking it. As this all happens very slow, people have to stay still for about three minutes until a full portrait photo is taken.”

(via today and tomorrow)

People Staring at Computers

People Staring at Computers’ is a photographic intervention by Kyle McDonald:

“I wrote a simple application that took one picture every minute. If it found a face, it uploaded the photo to my server. I installed the app around NYC over three days, collecting more than a thousand photos.
Before sharing the photos online, I decided to exhibit them in the same places they were originally captured. So I wrote another app that could be remotely triggered after being installed on all the computers in one location. When the app starts up, it takes a picture and slowly fades in that photo. A moment later, it starts cycling through older photos.
Most people instinctively quit the app less than 10 seconds after recognizing their own face, so the exhibition was relegated to the unused machines.”

(Via F.A.T.)

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