Microsoft has released a line of ugly Christmas sweaters with retro Windows themes. Along with Windows 95 graphics, there are also Windows XP and MS Paint designs.
Microsoft has released a line of ugly Christmas sweaters with retro Windows themes. Along with Windows 95 graphics, there are also Windows XP and MS Paint designs.
“UNINVITED, by Nye Thompson and UBERMORGEN, is a puzzling, disturbing but strangely seducing work. It rejects human viewers as much as it draws them in. A mix of dystopia, scifi and reality, the film echoes our confusion about the machines which intelligence (or utter stupidity) we sometimes fail to fully appreciate.”
Ha ha ha OMG! The grand debut of Four Seasons Total Landscaping was AMAZING! Thank you to everyone who showed up!
— coopertom (@thecoopertom) November 9, 2020
Why Are TikTok Teens Listening to an Album About Dementia?
“Everywhere at the End of Time,” a conceptual album about memory loss, has found a second life on TikTok, where it’s spurred a challenge of sorts.
A German artist collective stole a Joseph Beuys artwork from a Münster museum and gave it to an institution in Tanzania—and made a rollicking video about their stunt.
We’ve never been good at predicting the future.
Everything is familiar, nothing can be named.
“Time Out of Joint” is an online exhibition, curated by Eva & Franco Mattes for the Yerevan Biennal, and entirely taking place on the Darknet, a remote location at the “periphery” of the Internet, where time operates at a slow pace and pages load unhurriedly.
New works by six artists including Joshua Citarella, Clusterduck, David Horvitz, Vladan Joler, Amalia Ulman and 2050+ will be added once every two weeks, from October 2020 to January 2021, and in peer-to-peer style they are available to be seen, copied, reused… The title for this show was borrowed from a novel by Philip K. Dick.
To see the exhibition download the Tor Browser at
and go to -> http://fjroxjgxhmd2ymp2.onion
“This museum was founded in 2050 to commemorate two decades of a fossil-free internet and to invite museum visitors to experience what the coal and oil-powered internet of 2020 was like. Gasp at the horrors of surveillance capitalism. Nod knowingly at the plague of spam. Be baffled at the size of AI training data and lament the binge culture of video streaming”
In 2012 artist Darren Bader injected a Lasagna with heroin. “We bought the Lasagna from Marks and Spencer and the heroin from a dealer”, said the gallerist, Sadie Cole.
Ham stuck in your CD or disc drive? Follow the steps outlined in this video to officially de-ham your CD drive and use make it good as new!
“Taken in the 1890s (most likely 1899) by biologist and photography pioneer Louis Boutan, it depicts Boutan’s Romanian colleague Emil Racovitza holding up a sign that reads ‘Photographie Sous Marine’ or ‘Underwater Photography'”.
“Octopus, by Trevor Paglen allows visitors from across the globe to virtually experience the London exhibition through a live web portal connected to cameras placed in the gallery. Online participants can observe visitors experiencing the work in person and can be “present” in the space by streaming their personal webcams on monitors displayed within the exhibition. As art spaces continue to grapple with visitor access in a post-COVID era, Octopus offers a new perspective on virtual engagement in the gallery space“
“The next generation of political radicals will have passed through some form of these online political spaces and will bring with them many of the oddities, peculiarities and baggage of internet subcultures”.
“Driessens & Verstappen are fascinated by the idea that all the faces of all the people who have ever lived and will ever live, may be found within the enormous quantity of grains of sand existing on earth”.
Thirty minutes of rain from thirty games. Headphones recommended.