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Posts Tagged → architecture
Where do Websites go to Die?
The experimental architects at David Garcia Studio have proposed an answer to the puzzling question: Where do websites go when they die? Read more here.
Augmented City
Augmented City, by Keiichi Matsuda (best vied with 3D glasses)
“The architecture of the contemporary city is no longer simply about the physical space of buildings and landscape, more and more it is about the synthetic spaces created by the digital information that we collect, consume and organise; an immersive interface may become as much part of the world we inhabit as the buildings around us.
Augmented Reality (AR) is an emerging technology defined by its ability to overlay physical space with information. It is part of a paradigm shift that succeeds Virtual Reality; instead of disembodied occupation of virtual worlds, the physical and virtual are seen together as a contiguous, layered and dynamic whole. It may lead to a world where media is indistinguishable from ‘reality’. The spatial organisation of data has important implications for architecture, as we re-evaluate the city as an immersive human-computer interface.”
Sunday morning in Rome
Finally, Rome has a new museum. A contemporary one. MAXXI is breathtaking (full photo report here)…
Turning the Place Over
Turning the Place Over is Richard Wilson’s most radical intervention into architecture to date, turning a building in Liverpool’s city centre literally inside out. The artwork was a commission for the Liverpool 2008 Biennial.
Turning the Place Over consists of an 8 metres diameter ovoid cut from the façade of a building in Liverpool city centre and made to oscillate in three dimensions. The revolving façade rests on a specially designed giant rotator, usually used in the shipping and nuclear industries, and acts as a huge opening and closing ‘window’, offering recurrent glimpses of the interior during its constant cycle during daylight hours.
[via todayandtomorrow]
Jacko’s monument launched a design competion for a monument dedicated to Michael Jackson. Entries are available on the website from today. In the picture above you can see one of them: The Freedom Tower by Harrison & White, “a 1km high gold statue of him with anti-terrorist laser scanning/disintegration rays from his eyes”. LOL
Posh Architecture
Stockholm architects Wilhelmson Arkitekter have designed a housing project with windows that look like gilded picture frames
[via dezeen]
Lady Gaga and modern architecture
Is Lady Gaga‘s crazy wardrobe inspired by architecture and design avant-garde? Great article by Kelsey Keith on Flavorwire…
Mies, Mies, Van Der Rohe!
Un buffo video prodotto dalla Edward Lifson school. Edutainment versione videoclip?
[via core77]
This is not a Time for Dreaming
Pierre Huyghe in una strabiliante personale alla Tate Modern di Londra. Tra le opere presentate il bellissimo film This is not a Time for Dreaming, musical recitato da marionette in cui l’artista racconta la storia di Le Corbusier (e la sua) alle prese con alcune commissioni dell’Università di Harvard…
Gadget culture
Reduce dalla Biennale di Architettura (qui il photo-set della trasferta), vi segnalo l’incontenibile vitalità del padiglione ungherese. Il progetto Re:orient / Migrating Architectures è una riflessione sulla crescente influenza della cultura cinese. Le installazioni sono fatte di pinguini, gattini miagolanti, macchinine giocattolo e componenti low-tech (e low cost) di vario genere. La cultura del gadget che si fa progetto architettonico…
Lo spagnolo Jordi Colomer è l’autore di una serie di fotografie in cui l’architettura si confronta con il suo modello. Tenuto in mano, come una bandiera o un cartello di protesta (in questa ambiguità risiede gran parte del fascino del progetto), da persone che abitano il luogo.
[via e-flux]