Archives: Netizens and L’oading

I took advantage of these calm midsummer days to dig into my analog archive and reverse some material that otherwise would be lost. I’m very proud to show you what I found!
Here are some videos that document my first two exhibitions, both organized between the end of 2002 and the beginning of 2003. They’re television reviews, so sometimes the voice over tells naive or even wrong stuff, and they’re available only in italian, but nonetheless…
I was younger, slimmer and full of enthusiasm :-)

The first two videos are about “Netizens. Cittadini della rete” (december 2002), a small show I curated in a private gallery in Rome. The show was not just about net art, but about making art in the age of the Internet, and more precisely, it tried to demostrate how important was for this new community of young artists to share a citizenship: the web citizenship.
Artists: Cory Arcangel/BEIGE, Elout De Kok,, Limiteazero, Carlo Zanni
more info:

The third video is a review of “L’oading. Videogiochi Geneticamente Modificati” (Genetically Modified Videogames). This show was open from January to March 2003 at the Siracusa City Museum, in Sicily and it was, as the title suggests, about artistic modifications of videogames.
I’m particularly happy that this video exists because this exhibition didn’t have a catalogue, so there’s no documentation around, and I think it was a great project.
Artists: Mauro Ceolin, Brody Condon, Arcangel Costantini, Corby&Baily, Delire, Victor Liu See-Lee, Nullpointer, Chiara Passa, Retroyou, Gentian Skhurti
more info:

Enjoy the jump in the past :-)

An Image Bank for Everyday Revolutionary Life

David Alfaro Siqueiros (1896-1974), grandissimo artista messicano noto soprattutto per i suoi murales, collezionò, durante tutta la sua vita, una grande quantità di immagini fotografiche. L’archivio, consultabile online, contiene materiale che va dagli anni Trenta agli anni Settanta, in tutto sono circa 11.000 foto.
L’intento di Siqueiros era di lasciare in eredità un corpus di immagini che potesse ispirare anche gli artisti dopo di lui. Oggi una mostra presso RedCat, a Los Angeles, vede un gruppo di artisti alle prese con il lascito del grande messicano…

(nella foto: manifestazione per la liberazione di Siqueiros, allora in carcere, condannato ad otto anni per crimini politici. New York, 1962)
