Last February, artists David OReilly and Kim Laughton created a blog called #HyperRealCG, in which they post banal photographs and then claim that they’re CG. Pretty much every tech blog falled for it.
Posts Tagged → Blog
The Gif Conoisseur
Tumblr blog of the year: The Gif Conoisseur…
10 years
I started this blog on 25th March 2003. 10 years of blogging make me feel old and proud.
And everything was possible because of The Internets!
New Lyrics for Old Songs
Mark McEvoy is a british artist and illustrator. “New Lyrics for Old songs”, his most recent series, is an ongoing investigation on the relationship between images and text. New words are juxtaposed with old photographs, famous works of art and book covers, suggesting new interpretations and multiple meanings. Also, the project seems to suggest that any image, with an appropriate caption, can turn into an internet meme.
[posted on]
I have an art blog
[via markmcevoy]
Poetry, now
Steve Roggenbuck is a 24 year old poet/blogger. He is incredible. It’s like the beat generation spirit reborn on Youtube.
Things Real People Don’t Say About Advertising
Tumblr blog of the day: Things Real People Don’t Say About Advertising…
Animated Albums
Animated Albums is my new favourite Tumblr Blog!
Enlarge My Penis, and My Mind Will Follow is a blog I started in 2006 with Andrea. The subject? Spam, of course! Now, after a long break, we decided to re-start this project and we just launched a new website. Spam is still there, but we’ll also post about memes, animated gifs, emoticons, digital gifts and viral stuff.
Check out the brand new ENLARGE MY PENIS!
You talkin’ to me?
Robert De Niros’ official NYC taxicab driver’s license.
Great post about Taxi Driver on The Selvedge Yard…
[via david horvitz]
Who Killed Bambi 2.0
One of my beloved (web)creatures, Who Killed Bambi? has a brand new site. You better take a look…
Hot Chicks at Art Openings
“Because, girls are pretty. Also, art”
The site everyone always wanted to browse, but never dare to put online…
Now here it is: Hot Chick at Art Openings…
IRAN: A Nation Of Bloggers
Who killed Bambi?
A dangerous criminal gang is riding the net. They act in the dark, exploring the most sinister places, in search for the bloody heart of talent and creativity. Their favourite victims are banality, conformism, lack of humor and good will at any cost. Killing Bambi is a good metaphor for their mission. They are unarmed, actually, but they can still hurt. So be careful…
The Bambi Killers proudly presents:
special thanks: walt disney, sex pistols and all the fucking great bambi killers’ fans out there
a unified post by: andreaxmas + maricazottino + valentinatanni (aka The Bambi Killers…)
Gossip Art
The Gallery of absurd è un blog gestito da un’artista che si fa chiamare 14 (fourteen). Ogni settimana viene postata un’opera d’arte (dipinti, disegni, fotografie, collage), sempre rigorosamente gossip-based. Gli accostamenti sono degni di nota: Angelina Jolie e Salvador Dalì, Nicole Richie ed Egon Schiele, Britney Spears e Roy Lichtenstein…
Nuove professioni: the sex blogger
“This is the sex blogger. She works for a high rated site, writing about sex, new toys, and adult trends today. She slips into a something slinky, and relaxing, and starts right in with work. This can be a tedious job. You have to read different sites for ideas. Copy articles, pictures etc. There are sex toys to try out, which is very exhausting.”
Blogging and the Arts
Anche se fare una conferenza sui blog di questi tempi non sembra poi così originale, questa serie di incontri a cura di Rhizome mi sembra molto interessante. Esplorano il rapporto tra i blog e l’arte. E’ un argomento che mi piacerebbe approfondire. Intanto la conferenza è domani:
Blogging and the Arts – 17 maggio, New Museum, NY
*** Director of Technology Francis Hwang will lead a panel discussion on Blogging and the Arts. This panel, the second in a series hosted by, includes painter and web-artist Chris Ashley, painter Joy Garnett, artist and programmer Patrick May, and writer Liza Sabater. The discussion will address issues such as ways that artists are using blogs to distribute their own work, and the influence of blogging culture on political issues of interest to those in the arts. ***
UPDATE: qui c’è un resoconto della conferenza
Una candelina
per valentinablog. il primo post risale al 25 marzo dello scorso anno. scrivo un po’ meno ma sono ancora qui :-)
La seconda che hai detto…
Mamma mia. E’ passato quasi un mese dal mio ultimo post. Cosa significa? Che la mia vita sta diventando un tantino troppo frenetica. Che dormo poco, lavoro troppo e soprattutto sono sempre troppo stanca per postare…
Non ho risposto.
Ricominciamo daccapo. L’ultimo post risale al 25 di ottobre. Come mai? Perchè non riesco a navigare molto, perchè non ho letto i giornali e ho guardato solo le figure, perchè ho un nuovo lavoro scassapalle ma bisogna pure campare?
Non mi convinci, bella…Tenta ancora.