A maker named Abhishek Singh has created an instant camera that outputs a little box that contains a Raspberry Pi connected to a PiTFT screen.
Posts Tagged → camera
Internet of Things Camera
Simple remote monitoring using a first-generation Eye-Fi wireless SD card and Adafruit Data Logging Shield for Arduino. Brilliant.
Electronic Instant Camera
Electronic Instant Camera is a project by Niklas Roy. It’s a combination of an analog b/w videocamera and a thermal receipt printer.
“The device is something in between a Polaroid camera and a digital camera. The camera doesn’t store the pictures on film or digital medium, but prints a photo directly on a roll of cheap receipt paper while it is taking it. As this all happens very slow, people have to stay still for about three minutes until a full portrait photo is taken.”
(via today and tomorrow)
Camera Capture
Camera Capture, “a film about those strange modes on your digital camera”. Made my day!