photo by Hanne Zaruma
photo by Hanne Zaruma
Mindblowing fashion design by Stefan Kartchev
Yilmaz Sen designed Balenciaga’s latest social media campaign. The artist imagined a set of avatar-type models in Resort 2019 outfits looking blankly at the camera whose bodies slowly start to contort.
[via eyesontalent]
This is the last Chanel runway at the Grand Palais in Paris. Models are dressed like stormtroopers and walk through the corridors of a data centre. Cultural remix is reaching vertiginous heights. This is a new genre: this is a live fashion meme.
After the first, fabulous essay on “Lady Gaga and Modern Architecture“, Flavorwire publishes a great sequel of the Gaga’s Outfit Research: “Deconstructing Lady Gaga’s VMA Ensembles“. Arithmetic fashion?
…have Louis Vuitton branded house!
Is Lady Gaga‘s crazy wardrobe inspired by architecture and design avant-garde? Great article by Kelsey Keith on Flavorwire…
Succede così. Che una mattina ti svegli e sorseggiando il caffè trovi il simbolo del tuo blog sopra a un vestito di alta moda. E lo scopri perchè una cantante – diventata famosa grazie a MySpace e ora eletta Donna Glamour dell’Anno – ci si sbronza dentro e finisce su tutti i giornali…
Some Choices Are Just Out of Reach
La t-shirt dell’anno. su…