Piper Page uploaded a full version of The Seventh Seal (1957) by Ingmar Bergman onto Youtube with oddly satisfying videos on the left and Subway Surfers on the right. My head hurts but my heart is happy. Watch it here.
Piper Page uploaded a full version of The Seventh Seal (1957) by Ingmar Bergman onto Youtube with oddly satisfying videos on the left and Subway Surfers on the right. My head hurts but my heart is happy. Watch it here.
American Psycho, But With The TikTok Girl Voice.
A History of Subversive Remix Video before YouTube: Thirty Political Video Mashups Made between World War II and 2005 – Curated by Jonathan McIntosh
“Filmmakers, fans, activists, artists, and media makers have been reediting television, movies, and news media for critical and political purposes since almost the very beginning of moving pictures. Over the past century, this subversive form of populist remixing has been called many things, including appropriation art, détournement, media jamming, found footage, avant-garde film, television hacking, telejusting, political remix, scratch video, vidding, outsider art, antiart, and even cultural terrorism.”
See the complete article and video collection via the Open Access online journal Transformative Works and Cultures:
Thank you, Internet. No, really.