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A really cool website full of old Casio wrist camera photos taken more than 20 years ago:

It’s an amazing thing that looks just like a normal watch, but has a nifty little built-in digital camera that lets you take lots of photos on the quiet – and then beam them to your computer! Expect occasional updates documenting my travels and drunken nights…

Maps and Legends: photos and texts

“The enemy of photography is the convention, the fixed rules of ‘how to do’.
The salvation of photography comes from the experiment.”
(Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, 1947)

Maps and Legends. When Photography Met the Web focus on the relations that photographic practice is establishing with the world of the Web: its culture, its language and its imagery. From animated.gifs to photos shot in virtual worlds; from the images of Google Street Views to snapshots that change in real time, with the data flows, and on to the camera that captures time instead of space.

testo in catalogo (ita)
catalogue text (eng)

Maps and Legends. When Photography Met the Web
curated by Valentina Tanni

Fotografia Festival 2010
Rome, Macro Testaccio
23 September – 24 October

Roba da bambini (tipo me)

(2007) Questo post è una storia di coincidenze e connessioni circolari. Il sito di Davis&Davis me lo ha segnalato via email Arianna (grazie!). Tra le foto della serie Childish Things trovo questi pupazzetti piangenti (foto a sinistra). (1980 circa) Io quei pupazzetti piangenti ce li avevo quando ero piccola, ed erano i miei preferiti. (1997) Quando ho comprato il primo computer li ho fotografati e scansionati. Quella di destra è la foto del mio personale pupazzetto piagnone. Non è finita. Davis e Davis si autopresentano con un’intervista su Coagula (Most Art Sucks), la mia rivista culto dal 2003. Back to the future.