The Antics Roadshow is an hour-long special made by Banksy charting the history of behaving badly in public, from anarchists and activists to attention seeking eccentrics.
Contributors include Michael Fagan talking about breaking into the Queen’s bedroom: ‘I looked into her eyes, they were dark’; and Noel Godin, who pioneered attacking celebrities with custard pies: ‘Instead of a bullet I give them a cake’.
Explaining his reasoning behind the show, Banksy said: ‘Basically I just thought it was a good name for a TV programme and I’ve been working back from there’.
Narrated by Kathy Burke and produced by Jamie D’cruz, The Antics Roadshow examines the stories behind some of the most audacious stunts of recent times and what motivates the perpetrators, from mindless boredom to heartfelt political beliefs.
It includes a world exclusive first interview with the man responsible for putting the turf Mohican on Winston Churchill’s head.
Posts Tagged → prank
Sexy Sax Man Prank
No description would be accurate. You just have to click play…
King Philip IV of Spain autograph signing
From “the prank collective” Improv Everywhere: King Philip IV of Spain autograph signing:
“For our latest mission we staged an unauthorized autograph signing in the Metropolitan Museum of Art with an actor who bears a striking resemblance to King Philip IV of Spain. Standing in front of the 400-year-old Velázquez painting, the “King” greeted museum patrons and offered free signed 8×10 photos.”
A brand new street installation by Laura Keeble (remember the famous Hirst’s skull prank?). Now Versace has to deal with Medusa in person…
“The installation of Medusa outside the Versace store was to discuss the ownership of Medusa by the fashion house. A relationship between the single Versace mannequin within the store shopfront and Medusa also reflected the acceptance of what is beautiful and the outcasting of what is deemed ugly, by those that consider themselves an authority. Medusa with her shopping bags turned to stone by the very horror that is herself reflected in the use and ownership of an ancient icon to sell goods.”
[via wooster collective]
Skull prank
Avete presente il teschio ricoperto di diamanti (valore che si aggira tra i 70 e i 100 milioni di euro) di Damien Hirst? Fuori dalla galleria in cui l’oggetto supercostoso è stato esposto, la White Cube di Londra, domenica scorsa, nottetempo, una non meglio identificata artista di nome Laura ha piazzato questo (omologo fatto in un mese con cristalli Swarovski)…
[via wooster collective]
Vienna, Piazza Nike
Gli 0100101110101101.ORG ne hanno messa a segno un’altra delle loro. E in grande stile. Il progetto Nike Ground è eccezionale. E il finto Infobox a Karlplatz è uno splendido oggetto di design modaiolo contemporaneo. Peccato che il monumento al “baffo” della Nike sembra una scultura di Mauro Staccioli…