David Horvitz, 241543903 tagging project @Rome MACRO TESTACCIO, 2012 (Fotografia Festival)
Posts Tagged → rome
That’s Roma
FotoGrafia Festival is coming soon!
I’m working really hard on the setting of the art show I curated here in Rome. The exhibition is called “Maps and Legends. When Photography Met the Web” and of course it’s about the relationship between photography and internet culture.
The show is part of FotoGrafia Festival 2010, the ninth edition of the International Rome Photo Festival (the website will be live in a couple of days… in the meantime, you can find some info and press material here and here).
I’m posting below the Festival’s invitation, in the animated version made by Jaime Martinez, one of the artists in my show (thanks Jaime!).
If any of you is in Rome or is planning to come before 24th of October, please consider visiting the show :-)
The opening is on Thursday night (23rd September), from 7 to 11 p.m. at Macro Testaccio (Ex Mattatoio), Piazza Orazio Giustiani, Rome.
Anyway, I will post photos and videos very soon :-)
Rome (art) fever
I wrote a little review of Doug Aitken’s work for Public Address Blog (Nothern Light). You can read it here.
Sunday morning in Rome
Finally, Rome has a new museum. A contemporary one. MAXXI is breathtaking (full photo report here)…