People Staring at Computers

People Staring at Computers’ is a photographic intervention by Kyle McDonald:

“I wrote a simple application that took one picture every minute. If it found a face, it uploaded the photo to my server. I installed the app around NYC over three days, collecting more than a thousand photos.
Before sharing the photos online, I decided to exhibit them in the same places they were originally captured. So I wrote another app that could be remotely triggered after being installed on all the computers in one location. When the app starts up, it takes a picture and slowly fades in that photo. A moment later, it starts cycling through older photos.
Most people instinctively quit the app less than 10 seconds after recognizing their own face, so the exhibition was relegated to the unused machines.”

(Via F.A.T.)

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Content is Queen

Content is queen 2

Content is Queen is a generative video painting by Sergio Albiac:

“At the same time, is a paradoxical dialogue and strange marriage between the banal and utterly majestic: to create the series, the most popular (in a truly democratic sense) internet videos of a given moment are used as the input of a generative process that ‘paints’ with action the image of a contemporary Queen.”

(via today and tomorrow)

American Pixels


“American Pixels’ series is a pixel experiment created by Jörg M. Colberg in (2009 – 2010).
‘Image formats like jpeg (or gif) use compression algorithms to save space, while trying to retain a large fraction of the original information. A computer that creates a jpeg does not know anything about the contents of the image: It does what it is told, in a uniform manner across the image.”


Browser Abstract

browser abstract

Kim Si Nae‘s Browser Abstract

Citizens of the world are spending their lives staring into the reflective surfaces of their mobile phones and desktop computers. I think that social context determines the value of the media, tendency itself of dispaying medium have to be thought as social message.

For me, the digital canvas is another representation tool. Browser is not only the way it looks but also an inevitable basis of existence in the new space. If the history of fine art is against the frame of canvas, new painting will be founded on the browser, a element of being. In the past, inherent trait of painting reveals through the recognitions and enactments of medium. As the tool and matarial,we have to reconsider the new medium.’

(via i like this art)

Cathedral Scan

Blake Carrington turns Gothic cathedrals into sound:

“Groups of scanners filling the sonic spectrum may act in synch, forming a single harmonically-dense rhythm, or they may scan the plans at different speeds, resulting in complex polyrhythms. Each plan is treated as a modular score, with a distinct rhythm and timbre of its own. Also, by varying the speed and intensity of each scanning group, drone-like sounds may emerge based on the ‘resonant frequency’ of the black and white plan.”



China Channel

“Experience the censored Chinese internet at home!

The Firefox add-on China Channel (by Aram Bartholl, Evan Roth and Tobias Leingruber) offers internet users outside China to surf the web as if they were in China. Take an unforgetable virtual trip to China and experience the technical expertise of the Chinese Ministry of Information Industry (supported by western companies). It’s open source, free and easy.”

[via rhizome]



songsincode tries to display either a title of a song or part of its lyrics (as some songs are more known by the refrain than their title – for example there is no such thing as “all the lonely people” by The Beatles) in code. This could be PHP, JavaScript or any other language…”

In the name of Kernel

Strepitosa nuova serie di lavori per Joan Leandre (aka Retroyou). In mostra a Prato

“Al momento mi trovo in quel luogo fluttuante di considerazioni varie che prendono il nome del grido dell’uccello di ferro che vola nel crepuscolo automatico… Nel Nome di Kernel!”
(Kristopher Kubasik)

Rippy Clippy

Qualcuno l’ha definita “the most annoying thing in computer history“. Altri (pochi a dire la verità), un po’ la rimpiangono. Ma chi potrà mai dimenticarla? Clippy (la molesta paperclip-assistente di Word) non c’è più. E c’è chi gli rende omaggio

Clippy Gets Clipped (youtube)
I’m not writing a fucking letter! (youtube)
Attack of the Clippy (youtube)