Occasional updates

A really cool website full of old Casio wrist camera photos taken more than 20 years ago:

It’s an amazing thing that looks just like a normal watch, but has a nifty little built-in digital camera that lets you take lots of photos on the quiet – and then beam them to your computer! Expect occasional updates documenting my travels and drunken nights…

Reading the Media

Founded by a collective of radical media makers in 1981, Paper Tiger Television pioneered edutainment. Broadcast on public access television, the collective took a grassroots, DIY approach to media production that showcased how television was made through television, while critiquing corporate media and attempting to build a more equitable form of moving image. As one of the founders put it: “It is one thing to critique the mass media and rail against their abuses. It is quite another to create viable alternatives.”

Pare normale…

Non una ma addirittura due mostre americane parlano del rapporto tra tecnologia e occulto. Tra visibile e invisibile, tra normale e paranormale. The Perfect Medium: Photography and the Occult al Metropolitan Museum e Blur of the Otherworldly: Contemporary Art, Technology and the Paranormal al Center for Art and Visual Culture (UMBC). Dalle fotografie ottocentesche alle visioni contemporanee. Una buona occasione per mettere in discussione, ancora una volta, la presunta affidabilità della ripresa meccanica e le pretese di realismo di ogni mezzo.

[via newsgrist]