I struggle to find the words to describe this. I’ll just copy-paste one of the comments below the video: “I laughed, I cried, It became a part of me.”
Posts Tagged → weird
This is serious we could make you delirious
A lovely PSA commercial for kids about the dangers of pills. Produced in the 1980’s by the Poison Control Center.
The song is titled “We’re Not Candy!”
We could make you delirious (delirious).
You should have a healthy fear of us (fear of us).
Too much of us is dangerous (no no no no).
Doctors tell the pharmacies (pharmacies)
Types of pills that you will need (you will need).
And they know the harm that we can be (we can be)
If we’re not taken carefully (no no no no).
We’re not candy (believe us!)
Even though we look so fine and dandy.
When you’re sick we come in handy, but
We’re not candy… ohhh, no.
The PriceMaster
Please take some time to watch this incredible piece of performance art. On Saturday, February 10, 2001, in Denton, Texas, a group of friends held a garage sale where all of the (absurd) prices were determined by “The Price Master“, a mysterious masked figure on a tiny stage.
This review on Letterboxd describe this little gem really well (via BroBible):
Very surreal and very unnerving little piece of public access gold focused on a stoop sale as performance art in Denton, Texas, around 2001. My friend texted me the link and said “If you have five minutes, check this out,” and I ended up watching all 30 minutes of it. Shot on a handheld video camera, vérité style, it documents unsuspecting customers finding themselves at a stoop sale in which nothing is labeled with a price and a strange figure, the Pricemaster, dictates outrageous prices for everything when inquired. “Five… HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS!”
I also appreciated the Marshall McLuhan‘s quotes at the beginning:
“Environments are not passive wrappings, but are, rather, active processes which are invisible. The groundrules, pervasive structure, and over-all patterns of environments elude easy perception. Anti-environments, or counter situations made by artists, provide means of direct attention and enable us to see and understand more clearly.”
“Humor as a system of communications and as a probe of our environment–of what’s really going on–affords us our most appealing anti-environmental tool. It does not deal in theory, but in immediate experience, and is often the best guide to changing perceptions.”
[thanks Claudio for pointing me to this video]
The Battlestation Experience
Franlky, I don’t really know what’s going on here, but I love it.
Weird Subreddits Iceberg
I have an insane passion for iceberg charts. And an even greater passion for weird subreddits. I have combined this two things here: https://icebergcharts.com/i/Weird_Subreddits
TikTok surrealism
I found THIS TikTok account.
Weird Gnosis
Weird Gnosis, a new, amazing project by IMPAKT:
“From the occult rituals of witchcraft to esoteric psychedelia, the online webproject Weird Gnosis takes you on a journey into some of the weirder parts of the web. With a selection of video and performance art, Weird Gnosis curates a dialogue with artists and thinkers whose practices radically disturb the familiar by invoking the truly weird.”
Lasagna on Heroin
In 2012 artist Darren Bader injected a Lasagna with heroin. “We bought the Lasagna from Marks and Spencer and the heroin from a dealer”, said the gallerist, Sadie Cole.
How To Remove Ham From CD Drive
Ham stuck in your CD or disc drive? Follow the steps outlined in this video to officially de-ham your CD drive and use make it good as new!
TV Man is coming
On a Sunday morning in Henrico County, Virginia, dozens of residents woke to find old TV sets dumped on their lawns. One person reviewed their home security footage and reported the following: “It was a guy dressed in a jumpsuit with a TV for a head,” said Adrian Garner. “It’s the weirdest thing. He squats down, puts the TV there and walks off. It’s really weird.”
Fashion got weird
Yilmaz Sen designed Balenciaga’s latest social media campaign. The artist imagined a set of avatar-type models in Resort 2019 outfits looking blankly at the camera whose bodies slowly start to contort.
[via eyesontalent]
Jesus Is My Friend
Learning Windows ‘95 with Greta
Windows ‘95 with Greta is the kind of stuff that makes me love the Internet. How else were we supposed to find this crazy stuff? Seriously, I’m grateful…
[via Dangerous Minds]
Vintage Pop-Weirdness from Russia
(via Nerdcore)
Office Babe
[via cpb]
No more Barbie
Rebecca Caldwell ha trasformato una Cadillac del 1971 in una cattedrale gotica viaggiante. Con tanto di guglie, finestre di vetro piombato e gargoyles…
Le hanno chiesto dei rapporti con la polizia stradale:
“They have to realize that I would be stupid to try and get away with anything illegal in that car…I mean, come on. I can just hear it over the police radio: “…the suspects are heading west bound goin about 60 mph….a little faster on the downhill…be on the lookout for a……black …1971 gothic cathedral…I repeat….1971…. gothic cathedral….the suspects are thought to be armed with a welder and a caulking gun…”
[via neatorama]
Annunciaziò, annunciaziò
David Copperfield ha dichiarato che uno dei suoi prossimi numeri consisterà nell’ingravidare una fanciulla sul palco. Naturalmente (cosa pensavate) senza toccarla nemmeno. Con la sola forza del pensiero. Dobbiamo concludere dunque che il mago americano è lo Spirito Santo in persona.
[via ananova + boing boing]
Che tempo fa
David Lynch fa un bizzarro report quotidiano sulle condizioni metereologiche a Los Angeles. Nel suo sito web si può vedere ogni giorno un piccolo video con il mitico regista che recita in ordine: luogo, data, ora, clima e temperatura. Ma prima, guarda fuori dalla finestra…
Homo technologicus
Si aggirava per la Biennale di Venezia durante la giornata di domenica. Attrezzato con computer, macchine fotografiche, palmari, guanti e visori. Con tanto di I-pod Shuffle al collo. In una Biennale così poco tecnologica come questa ci stava come i cavoli a merenda. E ci è piaciuto un sacco.