You think it’s your bandwidth…

Yung Jake singing about datamoshing and making animated gifs…

“you think it’s connection you think it’s your bandwidth
but its me. i’ll steal your bitch like a bandit
see me on YouTube. fucking with video
find me on world star. find me on Vimeo
im not on PhotoBooth. that shit’s different
cuz dey told me to step out of the frame but i didnt”

[via kottke]

META Assassins

META Assassins, a tournament-based assassination game, makes use of a downloadable plugin to detect browser activity and, in turn, triggers shootouts when your assigned ‘target’ lands on the same page. This concept game also features real jobs, like Streetview Surveillance and Dead Drops, where real drops are placed in your city for a fellow player to retrieve in exchange for game cash.”

(via Lost At E Minor: For creative people)

Study of Perspective


Aiweiwei study of perspective tiananmen 1997 600x450

Weiwei Study of Perspective San Marco 1995 2003 600x390



Ai Weiwei work from Study of Perspective:

“…Each picture show the artist’s hand making a one-finger gesture, again rude, at a variety of places familiar and unfamiliar. The equal-opportunity dissing encompasses power sites like Tiananmen Square and the White House, but also, intriguingly, Long Island City, Queens. Together with the history-infused sculpture, the antic pictures give a sense of the versatility of an artist whose role has been the stimulating, mold-breaking one of scholar-clown.”

Holland Cotter for the New York Times

[via i like this art]


The mission of the HTML11 is to fulfill the promise of XML for applying HTML11 to a wide variety of platforms with proper attention paid to internationalization, accessibility, device-independence, usability and life structuring.

(via Nerdcore)


Afdruk01 600x445

Works by Jasper Elings:

“…With sources originating from digital readymades or appropriated video, each artist modifies, redirects and redistributes the footage using a wide array of alterations, from simple editing to more detailed and complex reconstructions. The digital realm casts a dark shadow over the initial intent of images and our preconceptions of their meaning and usage into a new alternative mode of existence where the source becomes either a catalyst or an added layer of a whole new work.”

(via i like this art)