Art Assault

Art Assault, by Paul Steen, is a graphic modification of a free open source FPS game, Assault Cube. The computer controlled bots are named after the 150 most successful living artists according to In Team Deathmatch mode the bots and the player are randomly parted into two teams, Inside and Outside, competing for domination of the exhibition space. The maps in the game are based on real life artist run galleries or alternative museums. The textures for the maps are all based on original photos, many from the actual place depicted, pictures that sometimes had to be taken behind the backs of security.

Untitled Painting

“In his one piece domain Untitled Painting (, Thomas Traum has embedded searchable satellite imagery from Google as the substrate for abstraction and for painting on top of, you can click away. He says it is in part inspired by the late 1980’s overpainted photographs of Gerhard Richter, which is more or less apparent, yet where Richter’s tourist photo style backdrop’s are fixed, Traums locations are fluid.”

[via painted etc]

Don’t watch if you dislike

I just stumbled upon wendyvainity’s Youtube channel.
Wendy is an australian woman who describe herself as a “cat lover/ try hard gardener/ port adelaide power supporter/ freeware addict”. She posts some crazy, hypnotizing 3d video experiments in which a virtual avatar of herself dances, sings and acts.
Her freedom of expression, irony and sense of identity are awesome and refreshing. If this is amateur culture, we totally dig it.