
Punishment is a new series of works by Julius von Bismarck:

“The title of the exhibition points to a pre-Christian legend that says that the Achaemenid King and Egyptian Pharaoh Xerxes had the strait at Hellespont punished with 300 lashes, after bridges that had been built on his order were destroyed by a storm shortly after construction.
Julius von Bismarck took up this anger allegorically for his new series of works. From October to December 2011 he went on a journey through Switzerland, South America and the United States armed with a whip.  At impressive locations he plays with the rhetorical power of this traditional retaliation, whipping nature, defying its power, until he is exhausted. In a contemporary context, he thus rebels against socialization and, as a modern Sisyphus, questions value patterns which are conveyed to people today by societal constructs and authorities.”

Part time virus hunters

“Overly melodramatic and cheesy Boston TV channel news report about a computer virus outbreak discovered by MIT nerds in 1998. Fun because they don’t just report on the virus – they interview geeks, and insert random clips from retro videogames and TV movies to illustrate what a virus is.”

[via dangerous minds]

We, the Web Kids

We, the Web Kids , an essay by Polish political writer and commentator Piotr Czerski. A manifesto for the generation nursed on the web:

“To us, the Web is a sort of shared external memory. We do not have to remember unnecessary details: dates, sums, formulas, clauses, street names, detailed definitions. It is enough for us to have an abstract, the essence that is needed to process the information and relate it to others. Should we need the details, we can look them up within seconds. Similarly, we do not have to be experts in everything, because we know where to find people who specialise in what we ourselves do not know, and whom we can trust. People who will share their expertise with us not for profit, but because of our shared belief that information exists in motion, that it wants to be free, that we all benefit from the exchange of information. Every day: studying, working, solving everyday issues, pursuing interests. We know how to compete and we like to do it, but our competition, our desire to be different, is built on knowledge, on the ability to interpret and process information, and not on monopolising it.”

[via curiositycounts]

LED Wallpaper

LED Wallpaper, by Ingo Maurer. This is awesome!

“The LED wallpaper offers very thrilling possibilities to illuminate rooms: Dimmed, enigmatic light hardly revealing where the shine is coming from or an urban vibrating atmosphere – to mention only a few options. It’s magic! A big advantage also is that the LED wallpaper can be hung in more or fewer strips and lengths according to the architecture and furnishing of a room. Interior designers have the choice.”

[via beautiful decay]

Pussy Riot strikes back

“Feisty anti-Kremlin activists — the ones that terrorized the Red Square with purple smoke bombs and an illegal performance of their hardcore tune Putin Pissed Himself – strike again! Pussy Riot crashed Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ the Saviour with their new anthem Virgin, Exorcise Putin! and its catchy chorus of “Holy shit, shit, shit/Holy shit, shit, shit.” Watch the video as they trash around and get dragged out by security and Russian nuns.”

[via animalny]

Lace Fence

Lace Fence is a design of Dutch Design House Demakersvan. It is a high-end metal fabric that gives new insights in how you can create unique environments. It combines the ancient craft of lace making with the industrial chainlink fence. Every fence is unique in its design by its craft and assembled patterns, which come in a variety of themes. From antique lace floral to contemporary designs and custom art patterns. Lace Fence shows how something which was meant purely functional can also be decorative. Hostility versus kindness, industry versus craft.

The Nudist Museum

Ellen Harvey, The Nudist Museum, 2010, oil on gesso board with wood shop frames and contemporary magazines, dimensions variable

“A museum is nothing without a gift shop. A museum without nudes is really no fun at all. This the best of all worlds: a museum attached to a gift shop with nothing but nudes.
In her inaugural exhibition at DODGEgallery, Ellen Harvey offers several strangely beautiful and hilarious explorations of the art nude that both question and exploit our fascination with depictions of our naked bodies to create an intentionally contradictory and often incoherent model of art as a form of desire.”

La celebrità al tempo della rete: quando il nome diventa verbo

C’era una volta lo scarlettjohansoning, meme nato in seguito allo diffusione delle foto rubate dal cellulare dell’attrice americana Scarlett Johanson. Un’ondata inarrestabile (a differenza di fenomeni simili, questo non accenna a spegnersi) di ritratti con il fondoschiena ben in vista, rigorosamente scattati con il cellulare davanti allo specchio.
In queste ore la stessa sorte, quella di veder trasformato il proprio nome in un verbo, è toccata ad Angelina Jolie, “colpevole” di essersi fatta fotografare sul red carpet della notte degli Oscar in una posa un tantino costruita: spacco ascellare e gamba destra nuda che spunta di lato (un po’ rinsecchita, a dire il vero). Il neonato verbo, come sempre declinato al gerundio, è angelinajolieing e come il predecessore definisce un preciso atteggiamento, una pratica che ricorda il vogueing di Cicconiana memoria. Stavolta però la moda non arriva dall’alto ma dal basso, e porta con sé una sana dose di ironia. Gli atteggiamenti delle star infatti non solo vengono commentati, imitati, criticati, ma anche, per la prima volta, demitizzati. Una demitizzazione che passa attraverso un gioco globale a cui tutti possono partecipare. Peluche inclusi.

Starring the Computer

Starring the Computer is a website dedicated to the use of computers in film and television. Each appearance is catalogued and rated on its importance (ie. how important it is to the plot), realism (how close its appearance and capabilities are to the real thing) and visibility (how good a look does one get of it). Fictional computers don’t count (unless they are built out of bits of real computer), so no HAL9000 – sorry.”

You Glitch. Corrupt Yourself


YouGlitch is a website where the Corrupted GIFs created with Corrupt.Video are displayed.
The Software (Corrupt.Video) allows its users to glitch videos stored on their computer, videos from their webcam or their desktop in realtime. When a clip is recorded, a 10 seconds video and an animated GIF are saved locally and automatically uploaded to uglitch.com