
Aleksandra Domanovic, Anhedonia, 2007. Video

In psychology, anhedonia is an inability to experience satisfaction from normally pleasurable life events such as eating, exercise and social or sexual interaction. It was also supposed to be the original title of Annie Hall, but was considered unmarketable.”

[via collect]


The de/Rastra oscillographic synthesizer is a real-time audio/video instrument and computer-interfacing device that allows a performer to generate visualizations intrinsic tocathode ray tube technology while simultaneously creating the acoustic analog of the displayed imagery.


Alan Belcher, “______.jpg”, 2012

“Alan Belcher has produced new work for this exhibition, a ceramic multiple edition. Known for his pioneering of the photo-object_ genre (artworks which fused the disciplines of photography and sculpture); he has furthered that exploration with a multiple series of what can be seen as perhaps the ultimate “photo-object”. Belcher has taken the ephemeral nature of the universal jpeg, and solidified its default icon into a standard image surrogate. The edition entitled “______.jpg” was fabricated in China, is a series of 125 pieces each signed and dated.” 25 Years of Talent at Marianne Boesky Gallery, curated by Michelle Grabner May 2 – Jun 16, 2012.

[via jockohomo]

Not Sure if Art

Aled Lewis, Post post-modern ironic art for a cynical world. 297 x 420 mm (11.7 x 16.5 in) 5 colour screen print on Sirio 350gsm. Signed, numbered edition of 50. Lovingly hand-made in London, England for the “Memes” group show