Google Melon, by Marco Cadioli…
(via mbf tod@y)
Google Melon, by Marco Cadioli…
(via mbf tod@y)
Created by Katarzyna Kijek and Przemysław Adamski, ’In statu nascendi’ captures the ’under construction’ process, in this case, of global illumination pass in rendering:
To highlight a peculiar inability to reflect reality by the film, we focus on the ‘struggle’ of generating an image. We capture the process of rendering ‘in statu nascendi’ (‘under construction’). Therefore we try to intercept this moment of the creative process, which is the most ephemeral – a temporary, piecemeal render phases (mostly global illumination pass). In the course of animation every next frame is more accurately rendered but still far from the target appearance. By analogy to chemical processes, the term ‘in statu nascendi’ refers to the intermediate products of chemical reactions, which can not be isolated from the environment of this reaction. They are therefore just ‘under construction’, and then disappear.
More at
(via CreativeApplications.Net)
(via Nerdcore)
Captcha by Gabrielle De Vietri…
(via VVORK)
update: you should also take a look at Charlotte’s talk about Art Bollocks, inspired by this great article by Brian Ashbee.
(via wurzeltod)
David Byrne interviews himself for a Talking Heads´ film concert by Jonathan Demme…
Ryan Trecartin’s ANY EVER is on view at PS1 NY from June 19 through September 3. This is the exhibition’s trailer…
(via Hyperallergic)
Content is Queen is a generative video painting by Sergio Albiac:
“At the same time, is a paradoxical dialogue and strange marriage between the banal and utterly majestic: to create the series, the most popular (in a truly democratic sense) internet videos of a given moment are used as the input of a generative process that ‘paints’ with action the image of a contemporary Queen.”
(via today and tomorrow)
BYOB Venice has been short (rain came to disturb us after a couple of hours), but very cool!
More info:
“The Recollector is a 3D collage, created in the computer. Jasper de Beijer has used video game technology to create a virtual environment which is somewhere between a museum, a theatre and a photo archive. The visitor can freely walk around in it like in a physical space.”
Yung Jake singing about datamoshing and making animated gifs…
“you think it’s connection you think it’s your bandwidth
but its me. i’ll steal your bitch like a bandit
see me on YouTube. fucking with video
find me on world star. find me on Vimeo
im not on PhotoBooth. that shit’s different
cuz dey told me to step out of the frame but i didnt”
[via kottke]
This is how books used to be made…
(via Boing Boing)
The mission of the HTML11 is to fulfill the promise of XML for applying HTML11 to a wide variety of platforms with proper attention paid to internationalization, accessibility, device-independence, usability and life structuring.
(via Nerdcore)
Works by Jasper Elings:
“…With sources originating from digital readymades or appropriated video, each artist modifies, redirects and redistributes the footage using a wide array of alterations, from simple editing to more detailed and complex reconstructions. The digital realm casts a dark shadow over the initial intent of images and our preconceptions of their meaning and usage into a new alternative mode of existence where the source becomes either a catalyst or an added layer of a whole new work.”
(via i like this art)
Strategies, 2010-2011, by Harm van den Dorpel…
Art Tape: Live With / Think About«, 2011 by Michael Bell-Smith…