Clay Shirky on institutions vs. collaboration | Video on

    If it’s really a revolution, it doesn’t take us form point A to point B. It takes us from point A to chaos    
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Interview project

David Lynch
‘s Interview project starts today. His son Austin and his friend Jason drove around the country and shot 5 minute interviews with strangers they met on the road. There are 121 interviews in all. A new episode is published online every three days…

My Mercury is in retrograde, too

Il nuovo singolo dei Bloc Party, Mercury, è uscito con un gran video. Tra l’altro, in astrologia, avere Mercurio retrogrado pare significhi che “la mente opera intrinsecamente in contrappunto alla natura istintiva e al flusso della forza vitale”…

When I saw you last night, I wanted to say,
‘Run away with me, away from the cynics

That this could be the start of something truly real’

But all that I could say was, ‘hey’,

Was, ‘hey’, was, ‘hey’, was, ‘hey’


Annoiati? Fatti? Insonni? Upl8 TV è perfetto per ricoglionirsi fino all’alba. La selezione è acida (cartoni, televendite, videoclip, conferenze, giochi, stramberie) e si cambia canale con la barra spaziatrice…