Something is wrong on the internet

The increasing weirdness of kids targeted content on Youtube is something I began to notice last year, after the birth of my first daughter. James Bridle went down the rabbit hole of this genre, and found very frightening stuff:

“This is being done by people and by things and by a combination of things and people. Responsibility for its outcomes is impossible to assign but the damage is very, very real indeed”.

Something is wrong on the Internet

A History of Political Remix Video (Before YouTube)

A History of Subversive Remix Video before YouTube: Thirty Political Video Mashups Made between World War II and 2005 – Curated by Jonathan McIntosh

“Filmmakers, fans, activists, artists, and media makers have been reediting television, movies, and news media for critical and political purposes since almost the very beginning of moving pictures. Over the past century, this subversive form of populist remixing has been called many things, including appropriation art, détournement, media jamming, found footage, avant-garde film, television hacking, telejusting, political remix, scratch video, vidding, outsider art, antiart, and even cultural terrorism.”

See the complete article and video collection via the Open Access online journal Transformative Works and Cultures:­/view/371/299

Francis Ford Coppola Predicts YouTube in 1991

“Suddenly, one day some little fat girl in Ohio is gonna be the new Mozart…and make a beautiful film with her father’s little camera-corder, and for once this whole professionalism about movies will be destroyed, forever, and it will really become an art form.” – Francis Ford Coppola

The excerpt comes from Hearts of Darkness, the documentary about Coppola’s 1979 cult-classic Apocalypse Now.

(via Brain Pickings)

Youtube Insult Generator

The YouTube Insult Generator by Adrian Holovaty is a hilarious search engine that sifts through YouTube comments for insults:

“This is a basically a “search engine for insults.” Type in a search term, and it’ll give you insults you can use against a person who doesn’t like that term.
For example, enter “the godfather,” and it’ll give you “You sleep with the fishes,” “You sleeps with horsehead in bed” and “You will get an offer you can’t refuse.” Enter “alfred hitchcock” and it’ll say “You had your eyes plucked out by crows” and “You have Vertigo.” Enter “mario brothers” and it’ll say “You aren’t Super enough for Mario,” “You can’t beat world 1-1″ and “You are bowser.” You get the idea.
It finds stuff only about 50% of the time, but it works surprisingly well when it does work. Try general terms (“car”) and pop culture (“michael jordan”, “i love lucy”). Each insult includes a link to its source YouTube video.”

[via the laughingsquid]