Fake Holidays

Fake Holidays is a photography project by Reiner Riedler:

“When wishes are out of reach, simulation is taking over our leisure time and our holidays. Imaginary worlds are created, often under massive technological exertion, in order to offer us experience as reproducible merchandise. Although the quality of these adventures on demand sometimes proves to be rather dubious, the boom does shed light on one thing: the yearnings and dreams underlying people’s daily lives.”



Francis Ford Coppola Predicts YouTube in 1991

“Suddenly, one day some little fat girl in Ohio is gonna be the new Mozart…and make a beautiful film with her father’s little camera-corder, and for once this whole professionalism about movies will be destroyed, forever, and it will really become an art form.” – Francis Ford Coppola

The excerpt comes from Hearts of Darkness, the documentary about Coppola’s 1979 cult-classic Apocalypse Now.

(via Brain Pickings)

Random Book Giveaway on Facebook

Niente di speciale, solo un regalino di Natale. Se ti interessa ricevere una copia gratis del mio libro “Random” e hai un account di Facebook, clicca qui, compila la form e aggiungi una motivazione.
Sceglierò due vincitori tra tutti i partecipanti.


Nothing special, just a Christmas Gift from me. If you’re interested in receiving a free copy of my book “Random” and you have a Facebook account, click here, fill in the form and add a motivation.
I’ll choose two winners among all the participants.


Malcolm McLaren: The Quest for Authentic Creativity

This is possibly the best speech I heard about creativity and authenticity in years. Try to watch it entirely, it’s worth it:

Quoting from Open Culture‘s website:

In early October of 2009, Malcolm McLaren was nearing death but didn’t know it yet. He showed up at the 2009 Handheld Learning conference feeling fatigued, but managed to deliver a provocative and heartfelt speech titled, ‘Never Mind the Bullocks, Here’s the Txt Pistols,’ in which he reflects on his life growing up in post-World War II England and expresses dismay over the rise of what he called ‘karaoke culture.’

‘All popular culture today,’ said McLaren, ‘goes to great lengths to promote the idea that it’s cool to be stupid.’ He championed instead the ‘messy process of creativity’ in which struggle, failure and the acquisition of skill and knowledge are valued above instant fame. You can watch the complete speech above. A few days after it was given, McLaren went into the hospital and learned that he had cancer. He died six months later, on April 8, 2010.”

[via Open Culture]

Multicolored vynils

“In summer 2011 The Flaming Lips released collaborative vinyl EPs with Lightning Bolt, Neon Indian and Prefuse 73. The ‘starter blob’ of vinyl for each disc was assembled by hand using random amounts of different vinyl colors, ensuring that every record would be unique. Here are a couple of Flickr photosets of the finished products (and a bit of the process) as they came off the presses.”
