Telematic Dreaming was originally produced by Paul Sermon in June 1992 for the annual summer exhibition entitled ‘Koti’ at the Kajaani Art Gallery in Finland, linked via videoconference to the Tele Gallery in Helsinki. This full-length 40 minute documentary was produced shortly after the premiere of Telematic Dreaming and includes interviews and rare line-out recordings from the opening ceremony.
Posts Tagged → installation
William Anastasi, Transfer, 1968
American Standard
Reece Terris, American Standard, 2004
“American Standard is an installation that featured fifteen functional urinals arranged in a pyramid formation on the wall of the men’s washroom in the Alexander Centre studio at Simon Fraser University. Transforming the facility into a public indoor fountain, water overflowed from the uppermost urinal and splashed its way down through the formation creating a deluge of water flooding the sunken floor. Visitors enter the space via tiled stepping stones, providing access directly to the sink and preexisting toilet, leaving the facility fully functional and open to both sexes.
American Standard draws upon the ‘readymade’ and confronts its art-historical underpinnings (recalling Marcel Duchamp’s iconic Fountain), while imparting more than pure reference, as it extends beyond the object-oriented readymade into an architectural space. Rather than demonstrating how context produces meaning within objects, American Standard presents an environment in which objects re-contextualize their space, revealing architecture’s dependence on standardized form and socially assumed function within even the most private of public spaces.”
The Conference
Free Roam Above the Myst
Free roam above the myst, an installation by Jonathan Zawada (Prism, Los Angeles, 8 September – 6 October, 2012)…
Installation Art: Who Cares?
“The maintenance and conservation of contemporary visual art is a new challenge for museums and art conservators. More and more artists have taken leave of the painter’s brushes and are moving on to new media, such as video. Or they are making installations of transient materials like polystyrene, wax and scotch tape. Can these works be saved for the art lovers of the future?”
Frozen sweat
Minus (2002) by Christoph Büchel: a punk-concert was held inside a room at the Kunstverein Hannover. Immediately after the show, the entire room was frozen.
Occupy Parking Lots (with Persian Rugs)
The fabric of reality
Geoffrey Farmer, I thought I could make a machine that would pierce the fabric of reality, in your world it appears as a 16th century sign, 2004
[via defacedbook]
Classicism is an attitude
Magic Mountain
Magic Mountain, by Hamburg-based duo Heike Mutter/Ulrich Genth is a large walkable outdoor sculpture on the Heinrich Hildebrand Höhn in Duisburg, Germany.
(via Lustik)
Parallel between Maurizio Cattelan: All, Guggenheim Museum, 2011 / Stanley Kubrick, 2001: A Space Odyssey. Inspiring.
[via sfmoma tumblr]
Recycled hardware worldmap
UK-based artist Susan Stockwell recently completed this gigantic world map made from recycled computer components. He has some other interesting installations too…
Sonja Vordermaier, Streetlampforest, 2010
‘Streetlampforest’ is a collection of 30 european streetlamps from different origins and times (Amsterdam, Berlin, Erfurt, Leipzig, Glasgow, Innsbruck, Milano, Hamburg, Prag, Cagnes-sur-mer (France), Sarajevo, Stuttgart, Belgrade, Lippstadt, Munich, Sofia, Trieste,Wolfsburg and Vienna).
Hello World
Around the world
Colin Guillemet, Around the world, Globe and various international mains adaptors, 2009
Watching, by Niels Post, Miniature installation.Computerprint, paint and wood, 2006…
Heather Benning’s Dollhouse
Heather Benning’s Dollhouse, 2007, photos on Canadian Art — Breaking and Entering: Haunted Houses…
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The Stupid Orchestra
Michael Petermann arranged around 200 historic electric household appliances like a symphony orchestra and called it The Stupid Orchestra.
Debris, Qwerty
Sarah Frost uses thousands of keys from discarded computer keyboards to create enormous textured grids.
[via wewastetime]