Plan C

Ryan Doyle, Eva and Franco Mattes aka 0100101110101101.ORG, Jeff Stark, Todd Chandler, Tod Seelie, and Steve Valdez went on a secret mission. For now, we have just one clue: the Zone…

“In the Summer 2010 a group of six artists who barely knew each other embarked on a journey to Chernobyl, to develop a secretive Plan C. The story is not clear at all, and it will probably never be.

They came from different parts of Europe and the US, and they had an appointment. Nobody knew about their final destination, nobody knew about Plan C. They told friends vague stories about “entering The Zone” and “throwing metal nuts”. They had one thing in common: an obsession for Tarkovsky’s 1979 movie Stalker.

What happened after is still a secret.

Follow It will be as close as you’’ll ever get to the truth behind Plan C.”


‘There is a new profession of trail blazers, those who find delight in the task of establishing useful trails through the enormous mass of the common record.’
Vannevar Bush, ‘As We May Think’, 1945

TRAILBLAZERS is a live web surf event where you can show off your PRO surfing skills. No keyboard, no google, just pure links! At the event, the participants use a prepared computer with a modified browser: the address bar is removed and each click on a link is tracked by a counter. The goal is to get from one website to an other one by just clicking on links.

[via today and tomorrow]

The artist is present

No one beats Marina Abramovic in creating extremely strong emotional responses through performance.

Here you can find an intense report of the performance “The Artist is Present” at MoMA (NY)…

And here are Marco Anelli’s photos of all the people who sat in front of the artist…

In the photo above:
Ulay, Marina Abramović’s partner from 1975-1988, sits with her during her performance. This was the first time they “performed” together since The Great Wall Walk (1988), when they each walked over 1,200 miles (2,000 km) along the Great Wall of China starting at opposite ends and meeting in the middle to say their goodbye. (The Museum of Modern Art, March 9, 2010 – Photo by Scott Rudd)

The Breakfast Machine

The Breakfast Machine

“Hollywood directors dreamed of it: the breakfast machine. Imagine a contraption that sets a chain reaction in motion at the push of a button, frying eggs, juicing oranges, brewing coffee, making toast, and serving it all on a plate with jam, meat and cheese. What a perfect way to start the day!…”

The Breakfast Machine, by Yuri Suzuki and Masa Kimura for Platform21. More photos here

The Tree

Sebastian Errazuriz, The Tree
The Tree (2006), is an artwork by Sebastian Errazuriz:

“A 10-meter high, real magnolia tree planted in the center of Chile’s National Stadium where dictator Pinochet tortured political prisoners 30 years ago. For a week the stadium was open to the public as a park. A soccer match played before 15,000 people, with the tree in the middle, was the closure of the piece.”

[via iheartmyart]

Golden Aliens

Common Task

Common Task is a project by Pawel Althamer.

“Common Task is a documented group activity, a social sculpture, realised within the science – fiction formula. The artistic project is a combination of an activity performed in public spaces with the social aspects such as exclusion related to the systemic transformation process, self-organisation and bottom-up initiatives which may change the world and shape the future. In broader terms, the Project alludes to the ideals of freedom and solidarity.

[via new art]

The Fox in the Museum

Francis Alys, Nightwatch

In 2004, Francis Alÿs collaborated with the National Portrait Gallery to create a piece generated by the gallery’s state-of-the-art internal CCTV system. Surveillance cameras observe a fox exploring the Tudor and Georgian rooms of the Gallery at night…

Conceptual terrorism

Un grattacielo avvolto in 18 milioni di tonnellate di gelatina alla fragola…

“Your outdated ideas of what terrorism is have been challenged,” an unidentified, disembodied voice announces following the video’s first 45 minutes of random imagery set to minimalist techno music. “It is not your simple bourgeois notion of destructive explosions and weaponized biochemical agents. True terror lies in the futility of human existence.”

[via Newsgrist]

*update: nel frattempo, in quel di Roma, la Fontana di Trevi diventa rosso sangue (o rosso carpet…) – fotovideo