L’immenso Jerry Saltz spiega cos’è la critica d’arte oggi. O meglio, come dovrebbe essere e non è. E come l’assenza di occhio e pensiero critico uccida l’arte. E tante altre cose. Che non potevano essere dette meglio di così…
“The best critics look for the same things in contemporary criticism that they look for in contemporary art. But they also have an eye. Having an eye in criticism is as important as having an ear in music. It means discerning the original from the derivative, the inspired from the smart, the remarkable from the common, and not looking at art in narrow, academic, or “objective” ways. It means engaging uncertainty and contingency, suspending disbelief, and trying to create a place for doubt, unpredictability, curiosity, and openness.”
Grazie per la segnalazione. Lettura gustosa e istruttiva.